Dr. Nian Liu


Benyuan Young Investigator Program 2023

Tsinghua University

Using molecular, cellular, biochemical, high-throughput sequencing, and biostatistics methods to study the mechanism by which human genome transposon activity is regulated


Dr Liu completed his undergraduate studies at the Department of Polymer Materials and Engineering at the University of Science and Technology of China. He obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Chicago in the United States in 2015, followed by postdoctoral research at Stanford University. In 2019, he started his lab at the School of Life Sciences and the Joint Center for Life Sciences at Tsinghua University.


His lab uses molecular, cellular, sequencing, and biostatistical methods to study the mechanisms how transposon activity in the human genome is regulated, and its specific functions in development and disease.


Selected Publications

1.Hong Y*, Bie L*, Zhang T*, Yan X, Jin G, Chen Z, Wang Y, Li X, Pei G, Zhang Y, Hong Y, Gong L, Li P, Xie W, Zhu Y, Shen X, Liu N# (2024). SAFB restricts contact domain boundaries associated with L1 chimeric transcription. Molecular Cell, accepted.
2.Liu N*, Lee C*, Swigut T, Grow E, Gu B, Bassik M#, Wysocka J# (2018). Selective silencing of euchromatic L1s revealed by genome-wide screens for L1 regulators. Nature 553, 228-232.
3.Liu N, Dai Q, Zheng G, He C, Parisien M#, Pan T# (2015). N6-methyladenosine-dependent RNA structural switches regulate RNA–protein interactions. Nature 518, 560-564.