Dr. Yuezhou Chen


Benyuan Young Investigator Program 2023

Peking University

Study the protective immunological mechanisms of the body after infection or vaccination


Yuezhou Chen, M.D, Ph.D, joined the School of Life Sciences, Peking University and the Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences as an Assistant Professor in 2022. Dr. Chen earned her Bachelor’s degree from Sichuan University and her Ph.D in Cell Biology from Peking University & National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS), Beijing. After that, she obtained her M.D in Chinese Medicine from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Following her postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Dr. Chen was appointed Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2020.

Dr. Chen has a long-term research interest in understanding the immune regulation in infection, vaccination, and autoimmunity. The primary research areas of Chen lab include: 1) the protective immunity in infection and vaccination, 2) the mechanisms of pathogenic autoantibody generation in autoimmune diseases, 3) the modulation of antibody responses by microbiota, and 4) the regulation of immune responses by Chinese medicine.


Selected Publications

1.Chen Y, Tong P, Whiteman NB, Moghaddam A, Zuiani A, Habibi S, Gautam A, Xiao T, Cai Y, Chen B, Wesemann DR. Immune recall improves antibody durability and breadth to SARS-CoV-2 variants. Science Immunology, 2022, Dec, 23, 7(78)
2.Chen Y*, Zuiani A*, Fischinger S, Mullur J, Atyeo C, Travers M, Lelis FJN, Pullen KM, Martin H, Tong P, Gautam A, Habibi S, Bensko J, Gakpo D, Feldman J, Hauser BM, Caradonna TM, Cai Y, Burke JS, Lin J, Lederer JA, Lam EC, Lavine CL, Seaman MS, Chen B, Schmidt AG, Balazs AB, Lauffenburger DA, Alter G, Wesemann DR. Quick COVID-19 Healers Sustain Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Production. Cell 2020, Dec (10), 183(6):1496-1507. (*contributed equally to this work)
3.Chen Y, Chaudhary N, Yang N, Granato A, Turner JA, Howard SL, Devereaux C, Zuo T, Shrestha A, Goel RR, Neuberg D, Wesemann DR. Microbial symbionts regulate the primary Ig repertoire. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2018, 215(5): 1397-1415